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  7 minute read.

Last Modified 2022-05-16 08:59 -0400

TrueNAS CORE & Enterprise can both be used as backing storage for container workloads.

The democratic-csi driver (available at allows users to integrate popular container solutions like Kubernetes, Nomad, Cloud Foundry, or Mesos into the TrueNAS CLI. The driver is sponsored by and offically supported by iXsystems for TrueNAS Enterprise Customers.

A CSI (Container Storage Interface) is an interface between container workloads and third-party storage that supports creating and configuring persistent storage external to the orchestrator, its input/output (I/O), and its advanced functionality such as snapshots and cloning.

The democratic-csi focuses on providing storage using iSCSI, NFS, and SMB protocols, and includes several ZFS features like snapshots, cloning, and resizing.


  • dynamically provisions/de-provision storage and shares it as appropriate for cluster usage
  • online resize operations to dynamically expand volumes as needed
  • snapshot support (using either zfs send/receive or zfs snapshot)
  • cross-architecture (amd64, armv7, arm64)


There are 3 steps to integrating a container solution in TrueNAS:

  1. Prepare TrueNAS.
  2. Prepare the nodes (ie: your Kubernetes cluster nodes).
  3. Deploy your container orchestrator.

Prepare TrueNAS for a Container Solution

We recommend using TrueNAS 12.0-U2.1+. However, the driver typically works with previous versions too, but is unsupported. Before you start, log in to TrueNAS, go to Services, and make sure iSCSI, NFS, and SSH are enabled.

Create Pools

Go to Storage > Pools and create the pools to include in your container.

Set up SSH

Now you need to ensure that a supported shell is used by the user account that your container solution can use to SSH to TrueNAS. Go to Accounts > Users and set the desired user’s Shell to either bash or sh, then click SAVE.

To use a non-root user for the SSH operations, you can create a csi user and then run visudo directly from the console. Make sure the line for the csi user has NOPASSWD added (this can get reset by TrueNAS if you alter the user in the GUI later):


With TrueNAS CORE version 12.0+, you can use an apiKey instead of the root password for the HTTP connection.

Set up NFS

  1. Go to Services and click the next to NFS to edit its properties.
  2. Make sure Enable NFSv4, NFSv3 ownership model for NFSv4, and Allow non-root mount are checked, then click SAVE.

Set up iSCSI

  1. Go to Sharing > Block Shares (iSCSI).
  2. Use the default settings in the Target Global Configuration tab.
  3. In the Portals tab, click ADD, then create a *Description. Set the IP Address to and the Port to 3260, then click SUBMIT.
  4. In the Initiators Groups tab, click ADD. For ease of use, check the Allow ALL Initiators, then click SAVE. You can make restrictions later using the Allowed Initiators (IQN) function.
  5. Kubernetes will create Targets and Extents automatically.

When using the TrueNAS API concurrently, the /etc/ctl.conf file on the server can become invalid. There are sample scripts in the contrib directory to clean things up ie: copy the script to the server and directly and run - ./ | logger -t &. Please read the scripts and set the variables as appropriate for your server.

  • Ensure you have preemptively created portals, initiator groups, and authorizations
    • Make note of the respective IDs (the true ID may not reflect what is visible in the UI)
    • You can make ID’s visible by clicking the Edit link and finding the ID in the browser address bar
    • Alternately, use these commands to retrieve appropriate IDs:
      • curl --header "Accept: application/json" --user root:<password> 'http(s)://<ip>/api/v2.0/iscsi/portal'
      • curl --header "Accept: application/json" --user root:<password> 'http(s)://<ip>/api/v2.0/iscsi/initiator'
      • curl --header "Accept: application/json" --user root:<password> 'http(s)://<ip>/api/v2.0/iscsi/auth'

Prepare the Nodes

Install and configure the requirements for both NFS and iSCSI.



sudo yum install -y nfs-utils

Ubuntu / Debian

sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common


Multipath is supported for the iscsi-based drivers. Configure multipath with multiple portals in the configuration as needed.

If you are running Kubernetes with rancher/rke, please see


Install these system packages:

sudo yum install -y lsscsi iscsi-initiator-utils sg3_utils device-mapper-multipath

Enable multipathing:

sudo mpathconf --enable --with_multipathd y

Ensure that iscsid and multipathd are running:

sudo systemctl enable iscsid multipathd

sudo systemctl start iscsid multipathd

Start and enable iSCSI:

sudo systemctl enable iscsi

sudo systemctl start iscsi

Ubuntu / Debian

Install these system packages:

sudo apt-get install -y open-iscsi lsscsi sg3-utils multipath-tools scsitools

Enable multipathing:

sudo tee /etc/multipath.conf <<-'EOF'
defaults {
    user_friendly_names yes
    find_multipaths yes

sudo systemctl enable multipath-tools.service

sudo service multipath-tools restart

Ensure that open-iscsi and multipath-tools are enabled and running:

sudo systemctl status multipath-tools

sudo systemctl enable open-iscsi.service

sudo service open-iscsi start

sudo systemctl status open-iscsi


When using Windows based machines, you might need to enable guest access, even if you are connecting with credentials.

Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters AllowInsecureGuestAuth -Value 1
Restart-Service LanmanWorkstation -Force

Deploy Your Orchestrator Into the Cluster


Kubernetes is “an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.”

Deploy the Driver (Helm Installation)

helm repo add democratic-csi
helm repo update

# helm v2
helm search democratic-csi/

# helm v3
helm search repo democratic-csi/

# copy proper values file from
# edit as appropriate
# examples are from helm v2, alter as appropriate for v3

# add --create-namespace for helm v3
helm upgrade \
--install \
--values freenas-iscsi.yaml \
--namespace democratic-csi \
zfs-iscsi democratic-csi/democratic-csi
helm upgrade \
--install \
--values freenas-nfs.yaml \
--namespace democratic-csi \
zfs-nfs democratic-csi/democratic-csi

When using a distribution with a non-standard kubelet path (such as minikube and microk8s), a new kubelet host path is required. Example:

microk8s helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --values freenas-nfs.yaml \
  --set node.kubeletHostPath="/var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet"  \
  --namespace democratic-csi \
  zfs-nfs democratic-csi/democratic-csi

Multiple Deployments

You can install multiple deployments of each or any driver. You will need:

  • a new helm release name for each deployment
  • a unique in the values file
  • a unique name for each storage class (per cluster)
  • a unique parent dataset (don’t try to use the same parent across deployments or clusters)

Snapshot Support

Install beta (v1.17+) CRDs (once per cluster):

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Install snapshot controller (once per cluster):

# replace namespace references to your liking
kubectl apply -f rbac-snapshot-controller.yaml
kubectl apply -f setup-snapshot-controller.yaml

Install democratic-csi as usual with volumeSnapshotClasses defined as appropriate.

Openshift is another addon to Kubernetes and generally works fine with the democratic-csi. You will need to set special parameters with helm (support added in chart version 0.6.1):

# for sure required
--set node.rbac.openshift.privileged=true
--set node.driver.localtimeHostPath=false

unlikely, but in special circumstances may be required

–set controller.rbac.openshift.privileged=true

  • You can run the kubectl get pods -n democratic-csi -o wide command to make sure all the democratic-csi pods are running.
  • You can also run the kubectl get sc command to make sure your storage classes are present and set a default class.
  • Visit the Kubectl Cheat Sheet or this Kubernetes CSI guide for more Kubernetes deployment and configuration information.


Nomad is a “simple and flexible workload orchestrator to deploy and manage containers and non-containerized applications across on-prem and clouds at scale.”

The democratic-csi works in Nomad with limited functionality and has to be deployed as a set of jobs. The controller job runs as a single instance, and the node job runs on every node and manages mounting the volume.

Read the Nomad Support page in the democratic-csi GitHub for detailed setup instructions. Visit the Nomad Storage Plugins page to learn how Nomad manages dynamic storage plugins.


Mesos is an open source cluster manager that abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines (physical or virtual), enabling fault-tolerant and elastic distributed systems to easily be built and run effectively.

Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry is an open source cloud platform as a service (PaaS) on which developers can build, deploy, run and scale applications.

As always, we welcome and encourage contributions from the community!

Additional Resources