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Alert Services Screens

  5 minute read.

Last Modified 2022-06-27 12:58 -0400

The Alert Services screen has options to create and edit alert services.


Use Columns to change the information displayed in the list of alert services. Options are Unselect All, Type, Level, Enabled and Reset to Defaults.

Add Alert Service Screen

Use Add to create a new alert service using the Add Alert Service screen. The Type settings for AWS SNS display by default. To add an alert service for another option, use the Type dropdown list. Only the Authentication Settings change for each option.


Name and Type Settings

Setting Description
Name Enter a name for the new alert service.
Enabled Clear the checkmark to disable this service without deleting it.
Type Select an option from the dropdown list for an alert service to display options for that service. Options are AWS SNS which is the default type displayed, E-Mail, InfluxDB, Mattermost, OpsGenie, PagerDuty, Slack, SNMP Trap, Telegram or VictorOPS.
Level Select the level of severity from the dropdown list. Options are Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert or Emergency.

AWS SNS Authentication Settings

Setting Description
AWS Region Enter the AWS account region.
ARN Topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for publishing. For example, arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:111122223333:MyTopic.
Key ID Enter the access key ID for the linked AWS account.
Secret Key Secret access key for the linked AWS account.

Use SEND TEST ALERT to generate a test alert to confirm the alert service works.

Cancel exist to the Alert Services screen without saving.

Use Save to add the new service with the settings you specify to the list of alert services.

Email Authentication Settings

Select Email from the Type dropdown list to display email authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Email Address Enter the a valid email address to receive alerts from this TrueNAS system.

InfluxDB Authentication Settings

Select InfluxDB from the Type dropdown list to display InfluxDB authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Host Enter the InfluxDB host name.
Username Enter the user name for this service.
Password Enter the password for the user on this service
Database Enter the name of the InfluxDB database.
Series Enter the name for the InfluxDB time series name for collected points.

MatterMost Authentication Settings

Select Mattermost from the Type dropdown list to display Mattermost authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Webhoot URL Enter or past the incoming webhook URL assoicated with this service.
Username Enter the Mattermost user name.
Channel Enter the name of the channel to receive notifications. This overrides the default channel in the incoming webhot settings.
Icon URL Enter the icon file to use as the profile picture for new messages. For example, Requires configuring Mattermost to override profile picture icons.

OpsGenie Authentication Settings

Select OpsGenie from the Type dropdown list to display OpsGenie authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
API Key Enter the API key. Find the API key by signing into the OpsGenie web interface and going to Integrations/Configured Integrations. Click the desired integration, Settings, and read the API Key field.
API URL Leave empty for default (OpsGenie API).

PagerDuty Authentication Settings

Select PagerDuty from the Type dropdown list to display PagerDuty authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Service Key Enter or paste the integration/service key for this system to access the PagerDuty API.
Client Name Enter the PagerDuty client name.

Slack Authentication Settings

Select Slack from the Type dropdown list to display Slack authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Webhook URL Paste the incoming webhook URL assoicated with this service.

SNMP Trap Authentication Settings

Select SNMP Trap from the Type dropdown list to display SNMP trap authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Hostname Enter the host name or IP address of the system to receive SNMP trap notifications.
Port Enter the UDP port number on the system receiving SNMP trap notifications. The default is 162.
SNMPv3 Security Model Select to enable the SNMPv3 security model.
SNMP Community Enter the network community string. The community string acts like a user ID or password. A user with the correct community string has access to network information. the default is public. For more information, see What is an SNMP Community String?.

Telegram Authentication Settings

Select Telegram from the Type dropdown list to display Telegram authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Bot API Token Enter the Telegram Bot API Token How to create a Telegram Bot.
List of chat IDs Enter a list of chat IDs separated by space ( ), comma (,) or semicolon (;). To find your chat ID send a message to the bot, group or channel and visit

VictorOPS Authentication Settings

Select VictorOps from the Type dropdown list to display VictorOps authentication settings.


Authentication Settings

Setting Description
API Key Enter or paste the VictorOps API key.
Routing Key Enter or past the VictorOps routing key.

Edit Alert Service Screen

Use the Edit Alert Service screen to modify settings for a service. Select the more_vert icon for the service, and then click Edit to display the Edit Alert Service screen.


Name and Type Settings

Setting Description
Name Enter a name for the new alert service.
Enabled Clear the checkmark to disable this service without deleting it.
Type Select an option from the drop down list for an alert service to display options for that service. Options are AWS SNS, E-Mail, InfluxDB, Mattermost, OpsGenie, PagerDuty, Slack, SNMP Trap, Telegram or VictorOPS.
Level Select the level of severity from the dropdown list. Options are Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert or Emergency.

Authentication Settings

Setting Description
Email Address Enter a valid email address to receive alerts from this system.

Use SEND TEST ALERT to generate a test alert to confirm the alert service works.

Cancel exist to the Alert Services screen without saving.

Use Save to keep any changes made.

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