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Last Modified 2022-12-06 16:56 -0500

Click Configure LDAP in Credentials > Directory Services to open the LDAP form.


Basic Options

Setting Description
Hostname LDAP server hostnames/IP addresses. Separate entries with Space. You can enter multiple hostnames/IP addresses to create an LDAP failover priority list. If a host does not respond, TrueNAS will try the next host until it establishes a connection.
Base DN Top level of the LDAP directory tree to be used when searching for resources. Example: dc=test,dc=org.
Bind DN Administrative account name on the LDAP server. Example: cn=Manager,dc=test,dc=org.
Bind Password Password for the Bind DN.
Enable Activates the configuration. Unset to disable the configuration without deleting it. You can re-enable it later without reconfiguring it.

Advanced Options

Setting Description
Allow Anonymous Binding Set for the LDAP server to disable authentication and allow read and write access to any client.
Encryption Mode Options for encrypting the LDAP connection:

OFF: do not encrypt the LDAP connection.
ON: encrypt the LDAP connection with SSL on port 636.
START_TLS: encrypt the LDAP connection with STARTTLS on the default LDAP port 389.
Certificate Certificate to use when performing LDAP certificate-based authentication. To configure LDAP certificate-based authentication, create a Certificate Signing Request for the LDAP provider to sign. TrueNAS does not need a certificate when using username/password or Kerberos authentication. To configure LDAP certificate-based authentication, create a Certificate Signing Request for the LDAP provider to sign.
Validate Certificates Verify certificate authenticity.
Disable LDAP User/Group Cache Disable caching LDAP users and groups in large LDAP environments. When caching is disabled, LDAP users and groups do not appear in drop-down menus but are still accepted when manually entered.
Kerberos Realm Select an existing realm from Kerberos Realms.
Kerberos Principal Select the location of the principal in the keytab created in Kerberos Keytab.
LDAP Timeout LDAP timeout in seconds. Increase this value if a Kerberos ticket timeout occurs.
DNS Timeout DNS timeout in seconds. Increase this value if DNS queries timeout.
Samba Schema (DEPRECATED - see help text) Only set if you configured the LDAP server with Samba attributes and it requires LDAP authentication for SMB shares.
Auxiliary Parameters You can specify additional options for nslcd.conf.
Schema Schema to use with Samba Schema.
DEPRECATED: Samba Schema support is deprecated in Samba 4.13. We will remove this feature after Samba 4.14. Users should begin upgrading legacy Samba domains to Samba AD domains.