The Disks screen displays a list of the physical drives (disks) installed in the system.
The list includes the names, serial numbers, sizes, and pools for each system disk.
Use the Columns dropdown list to select options to customize disk the information displayed.
Options are Select All, Serial (the disk serial number), Disk Size, Pool (where the disk is in use), Disk Type, Description, Model, Transfer Mode, Rotation Rate (RPM), HDD Standby, Adv. Power Management, Enable S.M.A.R.T., S.M.A.R.T. extra options, and Reset to Defaults.
Each option displays the information you enter in the Edit Disk screen or when you install the disk.
Selecting the checkbox to the left of the disk displays the Batch Operations options.
The checkbox at the top of the table selects all disks in the system. Select again to clear the checkboxes.
Storage at the top of the screen to return to the Storage Dashboard.
Disks Screen - Expanded Disk
Click anywhere on a disk row to expand it and show the traits specific to that disk and available option.
The expanded view of a disk includes details for the disk and options to edit disk properties, run SMART test and view the test results, and in some instances the ability to wipe the disk.
Manual Test opens the Manual SMART Test dialog with a list of the disk(s) selected.
Bulk Edit Disks
The Bulk Edits Disks screen allows you to make changes to disk settings for multiple disks at the same time.
The screen lists the device names for each selected disk in the Disks to be edited section.
HDD Standby
Select the minutes of inactivity before the drive enters standby mode from the dropdown list. Options are Always On or 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, and 330. For more information read this [forum post
Advanced Power Management
Select the power management profile from the dropdown list. Options are Disabled, Level 1 - Minimum power usage with Standby (spindown), Level 64 - Intermediate power usage with Standby, Level 127 - Maximum power usage with Standby, Level 128 - Minimum power usage without Standby (no spindown), Level 192 - Intermediate power usage without Standby, and Level 254 - Maximum performance, maximum power usage.
Enable S.M.A.R.T.
Select to enable and allow the system to conduct periodic S.M.A.R.T. tests.
The Manual S.M.A.R.T. Test dialog displays the name of the selected disk(s) and the option to specify the type of test you want to run outside of a scheduled S.M.A.R.T. test.
Runs SMART Extended Self Test. This scans the entire disk surface and can take many hours on large-volume disks.
Runs SMART Short Self Test (usually under ten minutes). These are basic disk tests that vary by manufacturer.
Runs a SMART Conveyance Self Test. This self-test routine is intended to identify damage incurred during transporting of the device. This self-test routine requires only minutes to complete.
Runs SMART Immediate Offline Test. The effects of this test are visible only in that it updates the SMART Attribute values, and if the test finds errors, they appear in the SMART error log.
Start begins the test. Depending on the test type selected, the test can take some time to complete. TrueNAS generates alerts when tests discover issues.
For information on automated S.M.A.R.T. testing, see the S.M.A.R.T. tests article.
S.M.A.R.T. Test Results if diskname Screen
The S.M.A.R.T. Test Results if diskname lists test results for the selected disk.
The Storage and Disks breadcrumbs return to other storage pages.
Storage opens the Storage Dashboard and Disks opens the Disks screen.
Customize the information displayed with the Columns option.
Options are Unselect All (toggles to Select All), Description, Status, Remaining, Lifetime, Error, and Reset to Defaults.
Unselect All removes all information except the ID number.
Expand the row to see the Description, Status, Remaining, Lifetime, and Error information for the test ID.
The Select All option displays all information on the table view and eliminates the expand function for the tests listed.
SMART Test Result Information
These options, except the ID, appear on the Columns dropdown list.
The test identification number assigned by the system.
Type of test run and the status of the system. For example, Short offline indicating the test type is Short while the system is offline when the test ran.
Lists the test status. Options are Success or Fail.
How much of the test is left to perform. If the test encounters an error, the field shows at what point in the test the error occurs. A value of 0 means the test completed and with no errors encountered.
The age of the disk when the test ran.
Displays details about any error encountered during the test. Displays N/A if no error was encountered during the test.
Wipe Disk Dialogs
The option to wipe a disk only displays when a disk is unused by a pool. Wipe opens three dialogs, one to select the method, a confirmation dialog, and a progress dialog that includes the option to abort the process.
The Wipe Disk diskname opens after clicking Wipe on the expanded view of a disk on the Disks screen.
Method provides options for how you want the system to wipe the disk. Options are Quick, Full with zeros, or Full with random data.
See Wiping Disks for more information.
Wipe opens the wipe disk confirmation dialog.
Confirm activates Continue, and Continue starts the disk wipe process and opens a progress dialog with the Abort button.
Abort stops the disk wipe process. At the end of the disk wipe process a success dialog displays. Close closes the dialog and returns you to the Disks screen.
Edit Disk Screen
The Edit Disk screen allows users to configure general disk, power management, temperature alert, S.M.A.R.T., and SED settings for system disks not assigned to a pool.
The Edit Disk screen, accessed from the Devices screen, displays the same settings found on the Edit Disk.
General Settings
Displays the current name of the disk. To change, enter a Linux disk device name.
Displays the serial number for the selected disk. To change, enter the disk serial number.
Enter notes about this disk.
Power Management Settings
HDD Standby
Select a value from the dropdown list of options or leave set to the default Always On. This specifies the minutes of inactivity before the drive enters standby mode. This forum post describes identifying spun down drives. Temperature monitoring is disabled for standby disks.
Advanced Power Management
Select a power management profile from the dropdown list of options that include Disabled (the default setting), Level 1 - Minimum power usage with Standby (spindown), Level 64 - Intermediate power usage with Standby, Level 127 - Maximum power usage with Standby, Level 128 - Minimum power usage without Standby (no spindown), Level 192 - Intermediate power usage without Standby, or Level 254 - Maximum performance, maximum power usage.
Temperature Alerts Settings
Enter a threshold temperature in Celsius. If the drive temperature is higher than this value, it creates a LOG_CRIT level log entry and sends an email to the address entered in the Alerts. Enter 0 to disable this check.
Enter a value in degrees Celsius that triggers a report if the temperature of a drive changes by this value since the last report. Enter 0 to disable this check.
Enter a value in degrees Celsius that triggers a report if drive temperature is at or above this temperature. Enter 0 to disable this check.
S.M.A.R.T./SED Settings
Enable S.M.A.R.T.
Select to enable the system to conduct periodic S.M.A.R.T. tests.